It Takes A Village - California's Step to Improve Maternal Mortality

It may come as a shock to hear, but Texas has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world and Houston has the highest maternal mortality rate in Texas. There are many factors into why our rate is so high in America. For one, we do not have universal health care, so for low income moms who are on Medicaid during their pregnancy, their insurance usually drops one month after birth in 37 states including Texas. We also do not have national maternal leave. Mothers are at the whim of their employers and their policies. We have to take into account that the maternal death rate is during pregnancy and 42 days after birth. This is a critical time for moms who are in their most vulnerable state.

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Choosy Moms Deserve the Best - How to Choose a Care Provider

Choosy Moms Deserve the Best - How to Choose a Care Provider

Once you saw that positive pregnancy test, questions began to flow. One of the first questions should be where am I going to birth? For some women, providers are considered long before conception, but for most choosing a provider comes second to picking the bassinet or color of the nursery. Your choice of birth provider will determine the level of involvement you have in making decisions, amount of care you receive, options, and interventions you experience during birth. In today’s healthcare system, we put our well-being and health of our child in the hands of individuals we barely know.

Get informed and birth like a boss!

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Ah push it...push it real good!

Ah push it...push it real good!

When it comes to pushing the key common questions we as birth doulas often hear are:

  • How will I know when it is time to push? 

  • How long does pushing take?

  • How will I know if I am doing it correctly?

  • Am I going to poop on the table?

If these are questions you have asked yourself or your birth team then you are NOT alone.  Anxiety around the thought of this part of labor is very common but we are here to help you along the way so you can feel confident bringing your baby into the world.  So let's get to it!

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